
एक नेता का कबूलनामा
चुनाव की घोषणा हो चुकी थी। सीट बंटवारे की पहली लिस्ट पार्टी जारी कर चुकी थी। कई नेताओं के नाम इस लिस्ट में नहीं थे। सभी असंतुष्ट नेता पार्टी कार्यालय में आकर हंगामा मचा रहे थे। कुछ नेता 'पार्टी अध्यक्ष मुर्दाबाद' के नारे लगा रहे थे, तो कुछ गमला-मेज-कुरसी पटक रहे थे। लोटन दास अपनी धोती खोलकर प्रवेश द्वार पर बिछा धरने पर बैठ गये। अन्य नेताओं से चिल्लाकर बोले, \"भाइयों, आप भी इस मनमानी के खिलाफ हमारा साथ दें। पैसे देकर खरीदे गये हैं टिकट ! इसके खिलाफ हम यहां नंग-धड़ंग धरना देंगे, प्रदर्शन करेंगे।\"

लड़ते बकरे और सियार
एकदिन एक सियार किसी गांव से गुजर रहा था। उसने गांव के \"बाजार के पास लोगों की एक भीड़ देखी।

तीन मछलियां
एक नदी के किनारे उसी नदी से जुड़ा एक बड़ा जलाशय था। \"जलाशय में पानी गहरा होता है, इसलिए उसमें काई तथा मछलियों का प्रिय भोजन जलीय सूक्ष्म पौधे उगते हैं। ऐसे स्थान मछलियों को बहुत रास आते हैं। उस जलाशय में भी नदी से बहुत-सी मछलियां आकर रहती थीं। अंडे देने के लिए तो सभी मछलियां उस जलाशय में आती थीं। वह जलाशय लंबी घास व झाड़ियों द्वारा घिरा होने के कारण आसानी से नजर नहीं आता था।

Is The Male Sexual Wellness - Industry Finally Coming Of Age?
While it has definitely moved away from the clutches of Shilajits and shady babas, is it enough? We investigate

Do You Have the Time?
Improve Your Time Management Skills

Classroom and Beyond...Essential skills and habits for academic excellence
The academic year 2024-25... yet another brand new opportunity to excel.

A Teen's Odyssey Through the Cosmos
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Kaamya Karthikeyan
The Youngest Indian to Conquer Mount Everest

Brand Yourself
Unlocking Doors to Your Future

Elon Musk
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Match Point: Polyamory & The Green-Eyed Monster
While the concept is still more nascent than normative in India, traditionalists have one big question: what becomes of the jealousy?

The Rise to Fame of YASHASVI JAISWAL
Fame is the very first part of his name and he has stood by it. Yashasvi Bhupendra Kumar Jaiswal has come to stay in international cricket and it seems to be on his very own terms.

Recognizing the Unsung Heroes
International Nurses Day marks the contributions that nurses make to society.

Don't be a Bonsai Person
People in Japan are fond of keeping plants in their houses. As houses in Japan are relatively smaller, they have developed bonsai plants — miniatures of large plants.

Make up Your Career!
Preparing for a career as a makeup artist requires a combination of technical knowledge, hands-on experience, and interpersonal skills.

Mary Ann Alexander
Bangalore-based, ultratalented singer-songwriter and committed Gen Z icon, Mary Ann Alexander, is slowly but surely getting her music recognized all over the country and probably overseas as well.

As I open my eyes to the gentle rays streaming into my room, I am excited.

He Battles Against Industrialists
Rohit Prajapati belonged to an affluent family. But the poor background of his mother’s family always moved him.

The Resilience of International Labour Day

Sudha Murty
An Inspiration for Generations

What's Dating Like In 2024?
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Phanindra Sama The Man Behind redBus Success
“You see things; you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream of things that never were and I say ‘Why not?’” These words of George Bernard Shaw resonate in the life of Phanindra Sama, the founder of redBus, the world’s largest online bus ticketing company with operations in six countries.

Aarav Anil Saviour of Parkinson's Patients
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ROHAN BOPANNA No.1 at Level 43
During our days of primary education, there were no mobile phones and no Google to enhance our worldly knowledge.

A Teenager’s Guide to Developing a Positive Money Mindset and Financial Habits

Morning Walks
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By nature, humans are friendly, pleasure-seeking, compassionate, kind, giving and forgiving creatures. Our \"nature\" or personality really comprises of unique inclinations that we cultivate in our thinking, feeling, and behaving to serve ourselves as well as connect with the larger world around us.

Do you have a Sunshine Smile?

There are many benefits to having pets and plants. If you are a pet lover and a plant lover, too, you definitely get incredible love, joy, happiness, and peace from both of these sources.

Taslima Nasreen From Exclusion to Inspiration
Taslima Nasreen — an ecstatic transgender woman, accountable entrepreneur and determined social activist. Abandoned by her family at the age of 13, she attempted suicide, but fate had other plans in store for her.