
‘Look Where We Were and Where We Are Now'
IT LOOKS LIKE a woman’s world on the 29th floor of Tamkeen Tower, where a call center for Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Statistics overlooks the beige sprawl of Riyadh. Past frosted glass doors, the few men to one side of the room are vastly outnumbered by female colleagues sitting at desks spread across the office.

You Have to Be Prepared to Act
To repair the economic damage wrought by the pandemic, Freeland says she’s using lessons from her journalism career and the collapse of the Soviet Union

Tracking Vaccinations
WHEN IS ALL THIS going to be over?

The U.S. Can't Afford a Tax Policy That Punishes Wealth
HIS CRITICS AND supporters agree: President Joe Biden’s tax plans are radical. He wants a substantial increase in U.S. public spending and means to pay for it by raising taxes on the rich, in particular by almost doubling the top tax rate on investment income. Unsurprisingly, the idea seems to be playing well in opinion polls. It would be odd if the promise to lift up the poor and middle class at the expense of the top 3% was unpopular. The question is whether it’s smart.

The Death Cross
In South Korea, living alone and childless is becoming a way of life—with dramatic consequences for one of Asia’s most successful economies

Stay on Top of Deal Developments With These Automated Stories
DEALMAKING JUST HAD the best first quarter in more than 20 years. Global mergers-and-acquisitions volume hit $1.1 trillion in the January-through-March period, and the number of deals—14,852—was the highest recorded in any quarter since Bloomberg started compiling deal data in 1998. While M&A soared in every region, North American acquirers led the way, racking up $568 billion of transactions.

The Bahamas' Central Banker Explains Why Its ‘Sand Dollar' Led the Way
THE BAHAMAS BECAME a global leader in e-money last year when it launched one of the world’s first central bank digital currencies— the “sand dollar”—beating China’s “digital renminbi” to the market by six months.
Saving Youngstown. Again
One U.S. president after another has promised to turn this Rust Belt city around. Now Joe Biden is planning to steer millions of dollars in federal funding to revive manufacturing. So where are the jobs?

Poverty Soars in the World's Most Unequal Region
THE COVID-19 pandemic has sent a wave of poverty racing across Latin America, deepening declines that began over the past decade and consigning millions to lives of deprivation.

The Benefits of Working Longer
Delaying retirement for a couple of years—or even a few months— is the most effective way to improve your retirement security.

Finally, on the Brink of Dow 36,000
In early 1998, my American EnterpriseInstitute colleague Kevin Hassett, a well-credentialed academic who would later become chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration, came to me with an idea. Over the previous three-fourths of a century, stocks had returned an annual average of about 11% and government bonds 5.5%.

Limit Losses With These ETFs
The catch: You’ll give up some gains in return.

Get Dividends Every Month
One way for income-hungry investors to keep cash flowing is to assemble a portfolio that shells out dividends every month.

Earn Up to 10% on Your Money
Yields are beginning to lift off. We found great deals for every level of risk.

Bet On Infrastructure Stocks
On the heels of a $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden has unveiled a major infrastructure initiative that would spend $2 trillion over eight years, financed in part by an increase in corporate tax rates from 21% to 28%.

There's Nothing Modern About MMT
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) tells us that governments should finance public spending by creating money.

Jonathan Kellner Has Big Money Backing His U.S. Stock Trading Startup
When he was handed a debit card with $70 million in the bank, Jonathan Kellner realized his startup was different. ¶ Members Exchange, known as MEMX, started as a protest by banks and market makers against the rising data and connectivity fees charged by U.S. stock exchanges. In the two years since Kellner, 52, signed on as chief executive officer, MEMX Holdings LLC has locked in more than $135 million in funding from 18 stock trading and investing heavyweights, including BlackRock, Citadel Securities, and Morgan Stanley. ¶ Since it went fully live in October, MEMX has clinched 1% of the U.S. market share. Kellner, previously the CEO of Nomura Holdings Inc.’s Instinet, spoke with Bloomberg Markets in February about launching during a pandemic and the surge in meme stocks.

Big Oil's Secret World Of Trading
With the future of fossil fuels in doubt, some energy companies are counting on a hidden army of commodity traders to ride to the rescue

Who Should Set The Rules?
TWO OF THE MOST powerful women in finance are at odds over how to use their power.

Binance's Changpeng Zhao: “I'm not using crypto to buy fiat, I'm not using crypto to buy houses. I just want to keep crypto ”
Changpeng Zhao, 44, has spent his life trying to overcome borders. As a child growing up in China, he waited for years until his family could win permission to see his father in Canada, then pursued a career (including a few years at Bloomberg LP) that took him around the world.

How to Surf the Net More Safely
To help you fight identity theft, consider adding a VPN.
Tap Home Equity for Extra Income
Home is where the heart is, but it’s also a source of regular income for many retirees.
Get up to speed on how to snag a deal and avoid pesky fees.

The tax revenue could close budget gaps, but the measures could drive away mobile workers.
Our flock of actively managed funds survived a wild year and as a group delivered benchmark-beating gains.
Did Anyone Hear a Pop?
Investors are worried that stocks are in a bubble— and that it’s going to burst.
Behind on Debts? Know Your Rights
There are limits on what debt collectors can do to recoup what you owe. If you have medical debts, you have even more rights.
20 Ways To Save On Health Care
From maximizing insurance benefits to shopping for discounts to funding tax-advantaged accounts, these tips will lower your costs no matter how you get your care.
How To Build (Or Rebuild) Wealth
Our 11-part plan will help you establish a solid financial foundation or take stock of your progress.
Profit From Planet-Friendly Companies
Sustainable stocks are going gangbusters. We found seven with an environmental focus to buy now.