Chinese Checkers
Evergrande, with a debt burden of around $ 300 billion, is the world’s most indebted real estate developer, and its position has sent shivers down the spine of the world’s financial markets

A Case of Vaccine Inequity
While some nations have started the shots, India is not in a position to do so as the first shot itself has not been given to the entire population. Plus, there is not enough scientific evidence to push for it

Rough Ride For Taxpayers
The portal has faced numerous glitches despite being handled by tech giant Infosys. As taxpayers face hurdles in filing their returns, the government should act fast to sort out this issue

We Need to Move Ahead in Law, says SC Judge
Indian law students, legal practitioners and professors need to be able to access international institutions and find their feet in a world which has changed, said Supreme Court judge PS Narasimha, who was the chief guest at a function organised by the premier national institution

Has The Rajasthan Government Legitimised Child Marriage?
The Rajasthan assembly recently passed an amendment Bill to The Rajasthan Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2009. It is alleged that the Bill has legitimised child marriage. Here is a reality check on what exactly has happened and what is the law on the subject

Express Delivery in Parliament
CJI NV Ramana lamented the “sorry state of affairs” of law-making and parliamentary debate. But it is not the hasty passage of a bill that’s at fault, but the rush to introduce it in Parliament that makes careful drafting a casualty

No Smashing Success Here
The case of an SDM asking the police to smash the heads of protesters underscores the need for psychological testing for central services officers. That will stall the entry of unsuitable candidates

The Tipping Point
Ten million people are “likely to die” due to extreme temperatures if the world leaders fail to agree on significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a new report has warned.

On the Road Again
In order to reduce corruption and help commercial vehicles, AITWA has started an online legal aid programme. Loss of productivity due to forced stoppages by authorities increases trip-cost by 40 percent

भूत की मुसीबत
बंगाल की लोक कथा

प्रकृति की गोद में बसा उत्तराखंड
कोई भी शहर अपना अतीत नहीं बताता। वह हथेली की रेखाओं की तरह गूंथा रहता है, वह गलियों के नुक्कड़ पर, खिड़कियों की झंझरी पर, सीढ़ियों के बेनिस्टर पर, शलाकाओं के एतेना पर, पताकाओं के बासो पर लिखा रहता है । वह शहर के हर भाग पर खरोंचों, खाँचों, नक्काशियों के भीतर बसा रहता है।'

एक नेता का कबूलनामा
चुनाव की घोषणा हो चुकी थी। सीट बंटवारे की पहली लिस्ट उपार्टी जारी कर चुकी थी। कई नेताओं के नाम इस लिस्ट में नहीं थे। सभी असंतुष्ट नेता पार्टी कार्यालय में आकर हंगामा मचा रहे थे। कुछ नेता ‘पार्टी अध्यक्ष मुर्दाबाद' के नारे लगा रहे थे, तो कुछ गमला-मेज-कुरसी पटक रहे थे। लोटन दास अपनी धोती खोलकर प्रवेश द्वार पर बिछा धरने पर बैठ गये। अन्य नेताओं से चिल्लाकर बोले, "भाइयों, आप भी इस मनमानी के खिलाफ हमारा साथ दें। पैसे देकर खरीदे गये हैं टिकट ! इसके खिलाफ हम यहां नंग-धडंग धरना देंगे, प्रदर्शन करेंगे।"

Chasing the Glitter
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a surge in gold loans, showing the distressing shape of the economy. But this is an opportunity for public sector banks and they have increased lending in this sector

Remembering 9/11 Attacks
This week marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11. The 20th anniversary commemorations of the terror attacks that killed almost 3,000 Americans will take place in New York City, Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Following SC order, centre agrees to induct women into armed forces through NDA
With the Supreme Court having allowed women candidatesto sit for the National Defence Academy (NDA) exams, the centre informed the Court that it had decided to induct women for permanent commission in the armed forces through the NDA route.

Fatal Heartbeat
The Texas legislature passed a draconian anti-abortion law banning the procedure after six weeks. Since most people don’t know they are pregnant that early in pregnancy, it effectively bans the procedure for all but a very few. This is the first of what they call “fetal heartbeat” laws to go into effect
A Fine Balancing Act
While the right to protest is a fundamental one, it is difficult to determine where such right begins and where it ends. The distinction line between a peaceful protest and one with apprehensions of violence is thin
A Toll on Trade
In a positive move, the Allahabad High Court pulled up the UP police for registering false FIRs against traders and businessmen and thereby interfering in the movement of goods

The Issue of Primacy
The Chief Justice of India and his collegium colleagues deserve appreciation for pushing its recommendations for the appointment of 12 persons to five High Courts, taking a courageous stand at a crucial time when High Courts need judges on a priority basis

Custodial Crimes
Despite human rights laws and constitutional jurisprudence, the police are still using third degree methods and illegal torture which often lead to custodial deaths. This represents a serious drawback of the legal system

The Diversity Deficit
Chief Justice of India NV Ramana recently said that the issue relating to women’s representation in the judiciary must be highlighted and debated on a large scale. It’s an important issue that deserves serious attention by all stakeholders of the legal profession

The Missing Deputy
The post of Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha has been vacant since June 2019. Article 93 of the Constitution mandates that the Lok Sabha shall, “as soon as may be”, choose a member to be the Deputy Speaker. The High Court has to decide whether the delay of 830 days or more violates the constitutional provision

Vexatious Litigation: A Refreshing Message from Michigan
Indian courts have always exercised an inherent power to levy a fine on aggressive litigation. A page could be taken from a US judgment where strictures were passed on the “profound abuse of the judicial process”

West Bengal govt moves SC against Calcutta HC order for CBI probe into post-poll violence
As expected, the West Bengal government preferred a Special leave Petition in the Supreme Court, challenging the Calcutta High Court’s order for a CBI probe into the alleged serious crimes, such as rape and murder, during post-poll violence (below) in the state.

Media houses broadcasting fake news without accountability, laments Supreme Court
The Supreme Court expressed its grave concern over fake news shown by some media houses and web portals, without any accountability.

The Payments Conundrum
The big talk about huge loans being given to this sector is no more than just that, big talk. It seems India has patience only for multi-billion dollar organisations and not for those who provide sustenance for most of the workforce of the country

A hybrid mode of hearing has been initiated in the Supreme Court from September 1, 2021, with Mondays and Fridays being completely virtual. Whether this will be a success or not remains to be seen. However, the first indications are not encouraging

Qatar's New Clout
India’s first direct contact with the Taliban was in Doha, where India’s ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal (far right) held talks with a top Taliban leader Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai (right)—the first formal diplomatic engagement since the group took over Afghanistan.

The Oil Bond Math
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently stated that if she did not have the burden to service oil bonds, she would have been able to reduce excise duty on fuel. The minister blamed the UPA government for the unprecedented spike in oil prices. What is the real truth behind her statement?

Fact Vs Fiction
In a surprising U-turn, many states have flatly denied deaths due to oxygen shortage during the second wave of Covid-19. This is despite courts pulling them up for their lackadaisical attitude towards the patients