
Boost Your iOS App Development with ChatGPT Al-Assistance
The genie's out of the bottle and there's no turning back! If you haven't tried Al-assisted programming yet, now is a great time to dive in. Tools such as ChatGPT have come a long way from their inception. You'll be amazed at how much more productive you'll be and wonder how you ever managed without them. The genie's out of the bottle and there's no turning back!

Building Modern Web Applications Using Blazor ASP.NET Core
Blazor is a modern web framework from Microsoft that was included in .NET 5. It's used for building interactive web applications using C# and .NET and it's based on a flexible, modular component model that's well-suited for building applications with rich, interactive web user interfaces. It should be noted that you can still use JavaScript if you'd like to, i.e., you can invoke your

CODE Magazine Presents: The State of AI Mini Conference Tour
CODE has recently started a new series of in-person events focusing on the topic of artificial intelligence and its practical uses in business scenarios.

Career Development and Staffing reinvented
You think great talent and cool positions only exist in Silicon Valley? Think again!

Offline AI Image Generation
On January 5, 2021, OpenAl revealed DALL-E. Frankly, it blew everyone's minds. DALL-E was a modified version of GPT-3. GPT, as you might know, is a large language model (LLM), and it generates text.

Exploring LangChain: A Practical Approach to Language Models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
LangChain is a powerful framework for building applications that incorporate large language models (LLMs).

Threads, Asynchrony, Parallelism, and Concurrency in C#
The concepts of process, thread, and task are fundamental to understanding the working of an operating system. You should have a good understanding of threads and how they work to learn asynchrony, parallelism, and concurrency. This article discusses the concepts related to these concepts in detail with relevant code examples wherever appropriate.

Career Development and Staffing Reinvented
You think great talent and cool positions only exist in Silicon Valley? Think again!

Can an LLM Make a Video Game?
In the Summer of 1980, I played Asteroids at a gas station in rural West Texas. I stood on a stool to reach the controls and see the screen. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to make a video game. I’ve also wanted to have the time, skills, and resources to make a video game.

First Rule of ARIA: Don't Use ARIA
As you expand your accessibility knowledge, you've probably heard the term ARIA a few times, maybe with an explanation, maybe not. Let's start there: ARIA ( is a standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ( via the Web AccessibilityInitiative (WAI) (

Exploring .NET MAUI: Data Entry Controls and Data Binding
In the first parts of this ongoing series on exploring .NET MAUI ( and, you created your first .NET MAUI application and ran that application on both a Windows computer and an Android emulator.

CODE Magazine Presents: The State of AI Mini Conference Tour
CODE has recently started a new series of inperson events focusing on the topic of artificial intelligence and its practical uses in business scenarios.

AI with No Internet Connection
AI, or artificial intelligence; are you bored of hearing about of it yet? Between the stock market and CEO keynotes, we can’t seem to get away from it. It promises to revolutionize everything around us.

CODE: 5 Years Ago
And just like that, we've arrived at the last installment of our \"30 Years of CODE\" celebratory column. Wow. Time flies! Seems like \"just the other day\" we had our 30-year anniversary celebration in Orlando, yet that was in December of 2023. But it's even wilder to think back five or six years. \"Just before the pandemic,\" really. How much has changed in those few short years!

Career Development and Staffing reinvented
You think great talent and cool positions only exist in Silicon Valley? Think again!

Container Orchestration Using Kubernetes
In my previous article on Docker (\"Introduction to Containerization Using Docker,\" Mar/Apr 2021 issue), I explained what containerization is and how Docker simplifies application deployment.

CODE Magazine Presents: The State of AI Mini Conference Tour
CODE has recently started a new series of inperson events focusing on the topic of artificial intelligence and its practical uses in business scenarios.

Job-Oriented Programming and Pointers in a Scripting Language
This article is about using job-oriented programming and pointers in a scripting language.

More VS Code Tips
In my previous article in CODE Magazine 1/VS-Code-Tips), shared some of my favorite tips when working with VS Code. As wrote the article, realized that was just brain dumping tidbits I've gathered over many years of using VS Code. The list seemed endless. But what about some larger chunks of tips? Things that every developer

CODE: 10 Years Ago
In this article, I'm continuing our journey through the last 30 years of anything related to CODE. We're starting to arrive in a reasonably modern era. In fact, when I researched some of the background information for this article, I was continuously surprised that some of these things were a decade ago. Some of the topics discussed in this article seem like they happened

Store Application Performance Metadata in a Database Using AOP in ASP.NET Core
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that attempts to increase the modularity, maintainability, and flexibility of your application while overcoming the traditional Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) limitations.

From Flat to Fantastic: Going Spatial with 2D Applications
The world of head-mounted display HMD) hardware technologies is buzzing with recent advancements, sparking a wave of fresh interest among consumers. From virtual reality VR) and mixed reality MR) to spatial computing, major tech companies and new startups alike are actively investing the launch of the next generation of immersive computing devices.

Exploring .NET MAUI: Getting Started
Unlock the true potential of cross-platform development with eXtensible Application Markup Language XAML) and NET MAUI Multi-platform App Ul). Say goodbye to the frustration of writing code for each platform separately. With NET MAUI, you can develop powerful business applications that run seamlessly on Windows, Android, Mac, and iPhone devices.

VS Code Tips
I'm a huge fan of VS Code, and suspect I'm not the only one. We've emerged from a world of very heavy IDEs Integrated Development Environments). Many of them are still around. They're specialized IDEs that do some things very well, and a very popular one is Visual Studio. Visual Studio has been around for quite some time.

Career Development and Staffing reinvented!
You think great talent and cool positions only exist in Silicon Valley? Think again!

CODE: 15 Years Ago
In this next installment of the 30 Years of CODE Group” celebration articles, we've now reached the halfway point. I'm looking back 15 years to roughly 2008 give or take a year). I'm approaching a time that start to perceive as modern development.Yes, alot has changed especially over the last year or two), but a lot of things we now take for granted started about 15 years ago.